Traditional Sculptures
Life size ceramic female portrait

Life size ceramic female portrait

"Snow" - A resting dragon next to a knight's shield. The figurine is made from self adhesive Plasticine, and its size is 10.2cm X 6.3cm X 5.1cm

"Snow" - A resting dragon next to a knight's shield. The figurine is made from self adhesive Plasticine, and its size is 10.2cm X 6.3cm X 5.1cm

"Ceramic Ear" - Life size male ear. Its size is 8.7cm X 10.9cm X 3.7cm

"Ceramic Ear" - Life size male ear. Its size is 8.7cm X 10.9cm X 3.7cm

"ArteVB" - Portfolio, 2006. Hand sculpted cover with color printed pages.  Size is 12.5cm X 14.3cm X 1.2cm

"ArteVB" - Portfolio, 2006. Hand sculpted cover with color printed pages. Size is 12.5cm X 14.3cm X 1.2cm

"Dansing Robobug" - Spring Show Animation Awards, 2009. Academy of Art University

"Dansing Robobug" - Spring Show Animation Awards, 2009. Academy of Art University

"Sacrificio" - A dragon protecting a marble heart. The box size is 16.7cm x 17cm x 14.3cm

"Sacrificio" - A dragon protecting a marble heart. The box size is 16.7cm x 17cm x 14.3cm

"Red Dragod" - The figurine is made from self adhesive Plasticine

"Red Dragod" - The figurine is made from self adhesive Plasticine

"Probe From The Future" - The figurine is made from mixed media (self adhesive Plasticine/ copper wire/ copper spray-paint / copper acid / plastic clock parts).

"Probe From The Future" - The figurine is made from mixed media (self adhesive Plasticine/ copper wire/ copper spray-paint / copper acid / plastic clock parts).

Life size Batman mask

Life size Batman mask

"Ecorche: Male" - Study of human anatomy

"Ecorche: Male" - Study of human anatomy

"Ecorche: Male" Closeup

"Ecorche: Male" Closeup

"Painting, sculpture, and architecture are finished, but the art habit continues" - Robert Smithson