3D Asset - Compass
Final close up render (50mm macro)

Final close up render (50mm macro)

Topology on flat shaded

Topology on flat shaded

Light on traditional aiShader

Light on traditional aiShader

Displacement and roughness on traditional aiShader

Displacement and roughness on traditional aiShader

Rigg that allows the compass to be positioned in any way desired or just simply sit on a character's hand.

Rigg that allows the compass to be positioned in any way desired or just simply sit on a character's hand.

Scene blocking

This model has been modeled and rendered with Maya and Arnold. In addition to the clean topology, I made a rig that moves all the parts in different positions without breaking its usage. Textures were painted in Substance Painter. And final artistic touch is done in Photoshop. These are the tools I have been using in a professional production.