To create a floating window in Maya using Python, you can use the `cmds` module. To make it look like a fancy window, you might want to customize the appearance using styles and colors.
Here's an example code to create a basic floating window:
import maya.cmds as cmds def create_window(): window_name = "Window" if cmds.window(window_name, exists=True): cmds.deleteUI(window_name, window=True) window = cmds.window(window_name, title="Window", widthHeight=(300, 150)) cmds.columnLayout(adjustableColumn=True) cmds.text(label="This is a window", align="center", font="boldLabelFont") cmds.button(label="Close", command=('cmds.deleteUI("' + window_name + '", window=True)')) cmds.button(label="Press Me", command=show_message) cmds.showWindow(window) def show_message(*args): cmds.confirmDialog(title='Message', message='It works!', button=['OK'], defaultButton='OK') create_window()
This code defines a function `create_window()` that creates a Maya window with a title "Window", a label, and a button to close the window. You can customize this code to add more elements and style them according to your requirements.